CGI stands for the common gateway interface . It is a way , for a web server to run external applications .
Each application or script or whatever , will have a process created and destroyed for each request . The web server is in charge of creating and destroying the processes , and is the owner of the process ...
This tutorial is about how to configure replication in orientdb . It will start by showing how to download orientdb , next it will explain what is the script , how to deal with the problem of low memory , what is OHazelcastPlugin , how to configure the replication protocol and database replication , how to check if everything is working , and finally how to make two instances of orientdb work on the same PC .
has a set of attributes ,
such as its android:layout_width
or its android:layout_height
Some of these
attributes are used
to customize the appearance of a view ,
this is called
styling the view
, or
applying a style to a given view .
A TableLayout
is first of all a LinearLayout
with a vertical orientation , so the properties of LinearLayout
, such as weight , apply to a TableLayout
. layout_weight
is just how the remaining free space is divided .
is simply a
grid of views , it is a
subclass of
, so the methods
and fields defined for AbsListView
apply to a GridView
. Another subclass of
This tutorial will show how to create a GridView
, the final product is shown below .
A ListView
is a list of views , this tutorial will show how to implement a ListView
in android . The final product is shown below .