Posted :
This tutorial is about arrays in java . It will show how to declare and create arrays , how to assign values and access elements of an array , how to loop , and print the elements of an array .
It will also show how to copy , clone and merge arrays . How to sort , search , and check for the equality of arrays . How to fill an array , generate an array , reduce an array : find the max , min or average ... How to convert arrays to streams , or collections , how to reverse an array , and how to calculate the Cartesian product of two arrays .
variable of type array , can be declared by using
either Type[] nameOfVariable
or Type
. In the first case all
the variables after Type[]
are of type
array . In the second case , only the variable
with the square brackets is of type array .
There can be spaces
between Type
and []
- int[] iArrayOne , iArrayTwo ;
- /*
- iArrayOne and iArrayTwo are variables
- of type int[] , since the square brackets
- are placed after the int type .*/
- String sArray[] , aString ;
- /*
- sArray is a variable of type
- String[] , since the square
- brackets is placed after sArray.
- aString is a variable of type
- String .*/
A variable of type array can be assigned a reference of type array . If no array reference is assigned to a variable of type array , the value assigned to the variable of type array is null .
- int iArray[];
- /*
- iArray is a variable of type
- int[] .
- No array reference was assigned
- to iArray , as such it is
- assigned the null value .*/
To create an array , The notations :
{expression , expression ...}
. new Type[length]
.new Type[]{expression , expression ...}
can be used .
notation {expression , expression ...}
can only be used while declaring an array ,
while other notations can be used everywhere .
- jshell>
- > String[] sArrayOne;
- /*
- Declare the sArrayOne variable , to
- be an array of type
- String .
- The sArrayOne variable is not
- initialized with any value
- that holds a reference to
- an array of type String[]
- ,as such it has a null
- value .*/
- sArrayOne ==> null
- > int[] iArrayOne , iArrayTwo = { 1, 2, 3+5 }
- /*
- Declare iArrayOne and iArrayTwo to
- be variables of type int[] .
- iArrayOne is not initialized , to
- any value which holds a reference
- to an array of type int[] . As
- such it has a null value .
- iArrayTwo is initialized using
- { 1, 2, 3+5 } .
- An array of type int[] is created .
- Its length is equal to the number of
- elements inside { 1, 2, 3+5 } .
- The expressions in { 1, 2, 3+5 }
- are evaluated and are assigned
- to the first , second and third
- element of the newly created array .
- A reference of the newly created array ,
- is stored inside iArrayTwo .*/
- iArrayOne ==> null
- iArrayTwo ==> [ 1, 2, 8 ]
- > Object[] oArrayOne , oArrayTwo = {new Object()};
- /*
- oArrayOne is a variable , of type
- Object[]. It is not initialized ,
- to hold a reference to an array
- of type Object[] , as such it
- is assigned a null value .
- oArrayTwo is a variable of type
- Object[]. It is initialized using
- {new Object()}.
- An array of type Object is created ,
- it has a length of 1 . The expression
- new Object is evaluated , it creates
- a new instance of Object . A reference
- of the newly created object is stored
- inside the first element of the newly
- created array .
- A reference of the newly created array
- is stored inside oArrayTo .*/
- oArrayOne ==> null
- oArrayTwo ==> [ java.lang.Object@59f99ea ]
- > oArrayOne = {new Object()}
- /*
- It is illegal to use
- {expression , expression ..}
- anywhere beside in array
- declaration .*/
- | Error:
- | illegal start of expression
- | oArrayOne = {new Object()}
- > oArrayOne = oArrayTwo
- /*
- Assign the value of the variable
- oArrayTwo to oArrayOne .*/
- oArrayOne ==> [ java.lang.Object@59f99ea ]
using the notation new Type[length_expression]
an array of the specified length and type is created ,
and all of its elements are null ,
unless the array is of the primitive type ,
in this case the element are initialized to
their default value . For example the
default value of int
is 0
The length
expression must evaluate to a type int
, and
must be >=0
. As such the
max length of an array that can
be created is 2147483647
- jshell>
- > import java.util.Arrays;
- /*
- import the Arrays utility
- class .*/
- > String []sArray;
- /*
- Declare a variable of type
- String [] .
- It is not initialized ,
- as such its value is
- null .*/
- sArray ==> null
- > sArray = new String[3];
- /*
- Create an array of type String[]
- which has three elements
- initialized to null .
- A reference of this array is
- stored inside the variable
- sArray .*/
- sArray ==> [ null, null, null ]
- > int k = 1 ;
- > int j = 3 ;
- > int iArray[] = new int[k*j];
- /*
- Declare the iArray variable
- to be an array of type
- int .
- Evaluate the expression
- k*j , its value is 3 .
- Create a new array of
- length three , of type
- int , with all of its
- elements having a value
- of 0.
- Assign a reference of
- the newly created array
- to the variable iArray .*/
- iArray ==> [ 0, 0, 0 ]
- > char cArray[] = new char[2];
- /*
- Declare cArray to be a variable
- of type char[].
- Create a char array of length
- two , with all of its elements
- initialized to their default
- values .
- Assign a reference of the newly
- created array to the
- variable cArray .*/
- cArray ==> [ '\000', '\000' ]
- > Arrays.toString(new int[5])
- /*
- Create a new array of type int ,
- which has a length of 5 .
- Pass a reference to it ,
- to Arrays toString method .
- Arrays.toString method will print
- the elements contained in this
- array .*/
- [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
using the
notation new Type[]{expression , expression ...}
an array of the given type
and of the length of
the {expression , expression ...}
created .
The expressions are evaluated. If the array type is primitive , the value of the expression is stored inside the array . If the array type is of the reference type , a reference to the evaluated value is stored .
- jshell>
- > import java.util.Arrays;
- /*
- import the Arrays utility
- class .*/
- > Arrays.toString(new int[]{ 1, 2, 3 })
- /*
- Create an anonymous array ,
- of type int .
- Its elements are initialized to
- the three elements 1 , 2 and 3 .
- Use the Arrays.toString method
- to print the value of each
- element in the newly created
- array .*/
- [ 1, 2, 3 ]
- > int[] iArrayOne = new int[]{}
- /*
- Declare iArrayOne to be a variable
- of type int [] .
- Create an new array of type
- int , containing no elements .
- Assign a reference to the
- newly created array to
- iArrayOne .*/
- iArrayOne ==> []
Variable of type multidimensional arrays can be created by adding brackets to the variable declaration , each additional brackets corresponds to an additional dimension .
- jshell>
- > int[][] iArrayOne , iArratTwo;
- /*
- Create two variables of the type :
- int [][] .
- int[][] is an an array , which
- elements references arrays
- of the type int [] .*/
- iArrayOne ==> null
- iArratTwo ==> null
- > int iArrayOne[][] , iArratTwo;
- /*
- Declare a variable of the type :
- int [][] , and a variable of
- the type int .*/
- iArrayOne ==> null
- iArratTwo ==> 0
To create a multidimensional array , we can also use the methods describe earlier on .
- jshell>
- /*
- Creating arrays using the notation
- {expression , expression ...} */
- > int[][] iArray = { { 1, 2 } , { 1, 2, 3, 4 } };
- iArray ==> [ [ 1, 2 ] , [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] ]
- /*
- Create a multi dimensional array of length
- 2 and of type int [][].
- Each element of this multidimensional array
- references an array of type int [].
- The first element reference an array of
- type int [] which has a length of 2 ,
- and which contains the elements 1
- and 2 .
- The second element also reference an array
- of type int[] which has a length of
- 4 , and contains the elements 1 2 3
- and 4 .
- Store a reference of the array of
- type int [][] into the variable
- iArray .*/
- /*
- Creating arrays using the notation
- new Type[length] .*/
- > String sArray[][];
- /*
- Declare a variable of type String[][] .*/
- > sArray = new String[2][2]
- /*
- Create an array of type String[][]
- and of length two .
- It contain references to arrays of
- type String[] .
- The first element reference an array
- of type String[] , of length two ,
- which elements contains references to
- null .
- The second element reference an array
- of type String[] , of length two ,
- which elements contains references to
- null .
- Assign a reference to the array of type
- String[][] to the variable sArray .*/
- sArray ==> [ [ null, null ],[ null, null ] ]
- > sArray = new String[3][]
- /*
- Create an array of length 3 ,
- which elements hold references
- to arrays of type String[] .*/
- sArray ==> [ null , null , null ]
- > sArray[0] = new String[]{ "hello", "arrays" };
- /*
- Each element of sArray , can be assigned
- an array of type String[]
- Create a new array of type String[] ,
- which elements reference the two
- String "hello" and "arrays".
- Store a reference to this array in
- sArray[0] .*/
- > sArray
- sArray ==> [ [ "hello", "arrays" ], null, null ]
- /*
- Creating arrays using the notation
- new Type[]{expression , expression ...} .*/
- > sArray = new String[][]{ { "hey", "java" }, { "chrome", "help" , "space" } }
- sArray ==> [ [ "hey", "java" ], [ "chrome", "help", "space" ] ]
array length can be gotten using
the .length
property .
Example of accessing the array length of arrays having a single dimension.
- jshell>
- > int []iArrayOne = {} , iArrayTwo = { 1, 2 } , iArrayThree;
- /*
- Declare three variables of type int[].
- iArrayOne contains a reference
- to an array which contains
- no elements.
- iArrayTwo contains a reference
- to an array which contains
- 2 elements.
- iArrayThree contains a reference
- to null .*/
- iArrayOne ==> []
- iArrayTwo ==> [ 1, 2 ]
- iArrayThree ==> null
- > iArrayOne.length
- /*
- iArrayOne reference an array
- which contains no elements
- , the length of the array
- is 0 .*/
- 0
- > iArrayTwo.length
- /*
- iArrayTwo reference an array
- which contains two elements ,
- as such its length is 2 .*/
- 2
- > iArrathree.length
- /*
- iArrayThree does not reference
- any array . It contains a
- reference to a null value , as
- such it cannot access the
- length property .*/
- | Exception java.lang.NullPointerException
- | at (#26:1)
Example of accessing the array length of arrays having multiple dimensions .
- jshell>
- > int[][] iArrayOne = new int[2][] , iArrayTwo , iArrayThree = { { 1, 2, 3 }, { } } ;
- /*
- Create three variables of type
- int [][] .
- The first variable references an
- array of length 2 , which elements
- references array of type int [] .
- The second variable is of type int[][] ,
- but does not reference any array of
- type int [][] , as such it
- references a null value.
- The third variable references an
- array of length 2 , which elements
- references an array of type
- int [] .*/
- iArrayOne ==> [ null, null ]
- iArrayTwo ==> null
- iArrayThree ==> [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ ] ]
- > iArrayOne.length;
- /*
- The length of the array which
- elements contain references
- to arrays of type int[]
- is : */
- 2
- > iArrayOne[0].length;
- /*
- The first element of the array
- referenced by iArrayOne does
- not reference any array
- of type int[] , as such it
- references a null value .
- Trying to access the length property
- of null will result in
- NullPointerException .*/
- Exception java.lang.NullPointerException
- | at (#5:1)
- > iArrayTwo.length;
- /*
- iArrayTwo references a null value ,
- so trying to access the length
- property of a null value results
- in a null pointer exception. */
- | Exception java.lang.NullPointerException
- | at (#4:1)
- > iArrayThree[1].length
- /*
- Access the first element of
- int[][] , which is {} an array
- of type int [] .
- Access its length property .*/
- 0
An array is formed of zero or more elements . Elements of an array can be assigned a value using the square notation , which takes an expression which is evaluated .
When an element of an array is assigned a value , the value is assigned based on the rules of assigning a primitive or a reference type .
If the value to be assigned is of the primitive type , then the primitive type value is copied and stored in the array .
- jshell>
- > int []iArrayOne = new int[1];
- /*
- iArrayOne is a variable of type int[] .
- new int[1] , creates an array
- of the primitive type int ,
- of length 1 .
- The elements of the newly created
- array are initialized to the
- default value 0 .
- A reference to the newly created
- array is stored inside iArrayOne .*/
- iArrayOne ==> [ 0 ]
- > iArrayOne[1-1] = 10 ;
- /*
- 1 - 1 is evaluated to 0 .
- The first element of the
- array reference by iArrayOne
- is assigned the value 10 .
- 10 is a primitive value ,
- as such it is copied and
- stored inside the array .*/
- > int anInt = 1 ;
- /*
- anInt contains the value
- 1 .*/
- > iArrayOne[0] = anInt ;
- /*
- The value contained in anInt
- is copied to iArrayOne[0] .
- anInt contains 1 , as such
- iArrayOne[0] contains 1 .*/
- > iArrayOne
- /*
- iArrayOne is a variable which
- references an array of type
- int[] , and which contains
- the element 1 .*/
- iArrayOne ==> [1]
If the value to be assigned is a reference type , then the reference is copied and stored inside the array .
- jshell>
- > String aString = "hello";
- /*
- Create a variable of type
- String .
- Assign a reference of
- the String "hello" to
- aString .*/
- > String[] sArray = {aString};
- /*
- sArray is a variable of type
- String [] .
- it is initialized using
- {aString} .
- A new array of type String[]
- and of length 1 is created .
- aString is a reference type ,
- as such the value of aString ,
- which is a reference , is stored
- inside the first element of
- sArray .
- A reference of the newly created
- array is stored inside the
- variable sArray .
- sArray[0] and aString contain the
- same reference .*/
- > sArray[0] = "hey"
- /*
- "hey" is a string literal ,
- a reference for the String
- "hey" is stored inside
- sArray[0] .
- sArray[0] and aString do not
- contain the same reference
- anymore .*/
- sArray[0] ==> "hey"
- > aString
- /*
- aString is still referencing the
- String literal "hello"*/
- aString ==> "hello"
- /*
- String are immutable , so their
- values cannot change .*/
- > class WWW{
- String address;
- }
- /*
- Create the WWW class , with one
- field of type String . */
- > WWW aWWW = new WWW();
- /*
- Create a new instance of WWW ,
- and store a reference to
- it in the variable aWWW .
- aWWW address attribute is initialized ,
- to null. */
- aWWW ==> WWW@6ddf90b0
- > aWWW.address
- aWWW.address ==> null
- > WWW wwwArray[] = {aWWW};
- /*
- wwwArray is a variable of
- type WWW[] .
- A new array is created ,
- of type WWW and of length
- 1 .
- The reference contained in
- the variable aWWW , is copied
- and stored inside aWWW[0].
- aWWW[0] and the variable
- aWWW contain the same reference .
- A reference of the newly created
- array is stored in the
- wwwArray variable .*/
- wwwArray ==> [ WWW@6ddf90b0 ]
- > wwwArray[0].address = "";
- /*
- wwwArray[0] address field is
- assigned the value of
- "" .*/
- wwwArray[0].address ==> ""
- > aWWW.address
- /*
- aWWW refers to the same object ,
- referenced by wwwArray[0] . As
- such aWWW.address field has a
- value of .*/
- aWWW.address ==> ""
- > aWWW = new WWW();
- /*
- A new instance of WWW is
- created . Its reference is
- assigned to the variable
- aWWW .*/
- aWWW ==> WWW@369f73a2
- /*
- aWWW and wwwArray[0] do not refer to
- the same object . So changing
- the field value of aWWW , will
- not affect the field value
- of wwwArray[0] and the inverse
- is also true .*/
- > int[][] iArrayOne = new int[2][];
- /*
- Declare a variable iArrayOne
- of the type int[][] .
- Create an array of length 2 ,
- which elements reference an array
- of type int [] .
- Assign a reference to the newly created
- array inside the variable
- iArrayOne .*/
- iArrayOne ==> [ null, null ]
- > iArrayOne[0] = new int[1] ;
- /*
- Create an array of type int[]
- of length 1 .
- Store a reference to the newly
- created array to iArrayOne[0] .*/
- > iArrayOne[0][0] = 1
- /*
- Access the first array of type
- int[] .
- Store inside the first element
- of the array of type int[] ,
- the value 1 .*/
of an array can be accessed using the square
brackets notation , which takes an int
value >=0
and less than
the length of the array .
- jshell>
- > int[] iArray = new int[]{ 0, 1, 2 }
- /*
- iArray is a variable of type int[].
- It is assigned a reference to an
- array of length 3 and of type
- int[] .*/
- iArray ==> [ 0, 1, 2 ]
- > iArray[0]
- /*
- Access the first element
- of the array referenced by
- iArray[0] .*/
- iArray[0] ==> 0
- > iArray[0+2]
- /*
- 0+2 is evaluated to 2 .
- Access the third element
- of the array referenced by
- iArray[2] .*/
- iArray[2] ==> 2
- > iArray[3]
- /*
- An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is
- thrown , when trying to access an element
- with index <0 or >= length of the array .*/
- | Exception java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 3 out of bounds for length 3
- | at (#3:1)
- > iArray[-1]
- | Exception java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index -1 out of bounds for length 3
- | at (#4:1)
- > int iArrayTwo[][] = {{}}
- /*
- Create an array which references
- an array of type int [] .
- The array of type int[] does not
- contain any elements .
- Store a reference of the newly
- created array inside the
- variable iArrayTwo .*/
- iArrayTwo ==> [ [ ] ]
- > iArrayTwo[0][0]
- /*
- Access the first element of
- the array referenced by the
- variable iArrayTwo .
- Access the first element
- referenced by the array of type
- int [] .
- There is no elements found in
- the array of type int[] ,
- as such an index out of
- bound exception is thrown .*/
- | Exception java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0
- | at (#5:1)
To loop through an array , a for loop can be used as follows .
- jshell>
- > int iArray[] = {1, 2, 3 }
- /*
- iArray is a variable of type int[] .
- It holds a reference to an array
- of three elements 1 , 2 and 3 .*/
- iArray ==> [ 1, 2, 3 ]
- > /* Loop through the array using a for loop */
- for( int i = 0 ; i < iArray.length ; i++ )
- {
- int elementAtIndexI = iArray[i];
- /*
- do something , for example
- print the array elements .*/
- System.out.println(elementAtIndexI);
- }
- 1
- 2
- 3
- > int iArrayTwo[][] = { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 } }
- /*
- iArrayTwo is a variable of type
- int[][] . It hold a reference to
- an array of type int[][].
- The array of type int[][] has a
- length of two , and contains
- references to two arrays of
- type int[] .
- The arrays of type int[] , each
- contain two int elements .*/
- iArrayTwo ==> [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ] ]
- > /* For each additional dimension ,
- an additional for loop must
- be added .*/
- for( int i = 0 ; i < iArrayTwo.length ; i++ )
- {
- for( int j = 0 ; j < iArrayTwo[i].length ; j++ )
- {
- int elementAtIndexIJ = iArrayTwo[i][j];
- /*
- Do something , for example
- print the array elements .*/
- System.out.println(elementAtIndexIJ);
- }
- }
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
A for each loop can also be used to loop through an array . The difference between a for and a for each loop , is that in a for each loop it is not necessary to declare the index used to loop through the array , but at the same time this means no access to the index .
A for and a for each loop can be mixed .
- jshell>
- > String sArray[] = { "Hello", "Search" }
- /*
- sArray is a variable of type
- String [] .
- It holds a reference to an array
- of type String [] .
- The array of type String []
- holds two references for
- Strings .*/
- sArray ==> [ "Hello", "Search" ]
- > /* Loop through an array using a for each loop */
- for( String element : sArray )
- {
- /*
- do something , with the
- element .*/
- System.out.println(element);
- }
- Hello
- Search
- > String sArrayOne[][] = { {"java"} , {"red" , "green"} }
- /*
- sArrayOne is a variable of type String [][] .
- It hold a reference to an array which
- contains two references to arrays of
- type String[] .*/
- sArrayOne ==> [ [ "java" ] , [ "red", "green" ] ]
- > for( String[] stArray : sArrayOne )
- {
- for(String sElem : stArray)
- {
- /*
- Do something with the element .*/
- System.out.println(sElem);
- }
- }
- java
- red
- green
can also be used to loop
through an array . As its name
convey , a Spliterator is an
iterator which can be split . It allows to
perform looping one element
at a time using its tryAdvance
method , or
for all the remaining elements
using its forEachRemaining
method , or
to obtain another Spliterator
this Spliterator
using the trySplit
method ,
which ideally may try to
split the Spliterator
in half ,
but might split it at other
points , or might fail .
A Spliterator
source must
not be modified , if it does not have
the immutable or concurrent characteristics .
A Spliterator
can be iterated over only once .
- jshell>
- > import java.util.Arrays;
- > import java.util.Spliterator;
- > int iArray[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 } ;
- /*
- iArray is a variable which contains
- a reference to an array of
- type int [] .*/
- iArray ==> [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
- > Spliterator<Integer> iSpliterator = Arrays.spliterator(iArray);
- /*
- Use Arrays.spliterator to create a
- Spliterator which has a source ,
- the array referenced by
- iArray .*/
- iSpliterator ==> java.util.Spliterators$IntArraySpliterator@68be2bc2
- > iSpliterator.hasCharacteristics(Spliterator.IMMUTABLE)
- /*
- Using hasCharacteristics , check
- if the created Spliterator
- has the characteristic of being
- Immutable .*/
- $ ==> true
- > iSpliterator.hasCharacteristics(Spliterator.CONCURRENT)
- /*
- Using hasCharacteristics , check
- if the created Spliterator
- has the characteristic of being
- Concurrent .*/
- $ ==> false
- > iSpliterator.hasCharacteristics(Spliterator.NONNULL)
- /*
- Using hasCharacteristics , check
- if the Source guarantees
- that encountered elements
- will not be null .*/
- $ ==> false
- > iSpliterator.hasCharacteristics(Spliterator.ORDERED)
- /*
- Using hasCharacteristics , check
- if an encounter order
- is defined for the
- elements .*/
- $ ==> true
- > iSpliterator.tryAdvance(System.out::println)
- /*
- Using the tryAdvance method , try
- to advance one element in the
- Spliterator .
- Returns true on success , false
- on failure.
- Pass the println function as argument
- to tryAdvance , to print the
- element .*/
- 1
- $ ==> true
- > int index = 1 ;
- /*
- Declare a variable containing the
- current index of the
- Spliterator .*/
- > iSpliterator.forEachRemaining( iElement -> {
- System.out.println(iElement);
- if(index < iArray.length - 1)
- iArray[++index] *= 2;
- } )
- /*
- Use forEachRemaining , to loop
- through the remaining elements
- of the Spliterator .
- Pass a lambda function to
- forEachRemaining, which takes
- as argument : iElement , the
- current iterating element , print
- it , and modify the next element
- by doubling it .*/
- 2
- 6
- 8
- > String [][]sArray = { { "ae", "ar" }, { "be", "br" }, { "ce", "ck" } }
- /*
- Create an array of type
- String [][] . It contains
- three references to arrays
- of types String [] . Each
- contains two references to
- Strings .*/
- sArray ==> [ [ "ae", "ar" ] , ["be" , "br"] , [ "ce", "ck" ] ]
- > Spliterator<String []> saSpliterator = Arrays.spliterator(sArray , 1 , 3 ) ;
- /*
- Use Arrays.spliterator , to create
- a Spliterator which has a
- source the array referenced by
- the variable sArray , starting
- from index 1 inclusive , till
- index 3 non inclusive .*/
- > Spliterator<String []> splitSaSplitIerator = saSpliterator.trySplit();
- /*
- Use trySplit to split the
- Spliterator which has a source
- the array referenced by sArray .
- Store a reference to the created
- Spliterator in the variable
- splitSaSplitIerator .*/
- > saSpliterator.forEachRemaining(
- aElement -> {
- for(String sElement : aElement)
- System.out.println(sElement);
- })
- /*
- Use forEachRemaining , to loop
- through the elements of the
- Spliterator referenced by
- the variable saSpliterator .
- Pass in a lambda function ,
- which takes one argument ,
- of type String [] : aElement .
- Loop through aElement , which
- is an array of type String [] ,
- using a for each loop .
- Print the values referenced
- by the elements of the
- array of type String[] .*/
- ce
- ck
- > splitSaSplitIerator.forEachRemaining(
- aElement -> {
- for(String sElement : aElement)
- System.out.println(sElement);
- })
- /*
- Use forEachRemaining to loop
- through the elements of the
- Spliterator referenced by
- splitSaSplitIerator . They
- are of type String [] .
- Pass in a lambda function ,
- which takes one argument
- of type String[] : aElement .
- Loop through the elements
- of the array referenced by
- the variable aElement .
- Each element contains a
- reference to a String .
- Print the String . */
- be
- br
Also a Stream can be obtained from an array , and it can be used to loop over the element of the array . A Stream can only be iterated over once .
- jshell>
- > import java.util.Arrays ;
- > import ;
- > import ;
- > int iArray[] = { 0, 3, 1, 2 };
- /*
- Create an array of type int[]
- , which has 4 elements .
- Store a reference to it in
- the variable iArray .*/
- iArray ==> [ 0, 3, 1, 2 ]
- > IntStream iStream =;
- /*
- Use , to create
- a sequential Stream .
- It has a source the array
- referenced by the variable
- iArray .*/
- iStream ==>$Head@29ee9faa
- > iStream.forEach(System.out::println);
- /*
- Iterate over the stream using
- the forEach method.
- The forEach method takes as
- argument the function println ,
- and use it to print the
- stream .*/
- 0
- 3
- 1
- 2
- > iStream =;
- /*
- Using , create
- a sequential stream , which
- source is the array referenced
- by iArray .*/
- > iStream.parallel().forEach(System.out::println);
- /*
- Create a parallel Stream from the
- sequential stream referenced by
- the variable iStream.
- The forEach method does not guarantee
- the order of encounter as defined
- in the Stream source for parallel
- streams .*/
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 0
- > iStream =;
- /*
- Use to create
- a sequential stream , which
- source is the array referenced
- by iArray .*/
- > iStream.parallel().forEachOrdered(System.out::println);
- /*
- Create a parallel Stream from the
- sequential stream referenced
- by the variable iStream .
- Iterate over the parallel Stream using
- forEachOrdered .
- The forEachOrdered guarantees the order
- of encounter as defined in the Stream
- source for parallel Streams. */
- 0
- 3
- 1
- 2
- > String[][] sArray = { { "aa", "ab" }, { "cd", "c" } }
- /*
- Create an array of type String[][]
- and assign a reference to it
- to the variable sArray .*/
- sArray ==> [ [ "aa", "ab" ], [ "cd", "c" ] ]
- > Stream<String[]> saStream = , 1 , 2);
- /*
- Use to create a
- sequential Stream which has a
- source the array referenced by
- sArray , starting at index 1
- inclusive , ending index 2
- exclusive .*/
- saStream ==>$Head@6f7fd0e6
- > saStream.forEach( aString ->;
- /*
- Iterate over the Stream using
- forEach Method.
- Pass in a lambda function , which
- takes as argument an element of
- type String[] .
- Create a Stream from this element ,
- and use the forEach method , to
- iterate over its elements .
- Pass to the forEach method ,
- the println function to print
- the elements .*/
- cd
- c
and Arrays.deepToString
can be used to get a String representation
of an array . The Arrays.deepToString
will get the String representation of
arrays containing other arrays .
- jshell>
- > int iArray[][] = { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 } }
- /*
- Create an array of type int [][] ,
- and store a reference to it
- in the variable iArray .*/
- iArray ==> [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ] ]
- > Arrays.toString(iArray)
- /*
- Use Arrays.toString to get a
- toString representation of
- the array referenced by the
- variable iArray .*/
- $ ==> "[[I@58651fd0, [I@4520ebad]"
- > Arrays.deepToString(iArray)
- /*
- Use Arrays.deepToString to
- get a deep toString
- representation of the array ,
- referenced by the variable
- iArray .*/
- $ ==> "[[1, 2], [3, 4]]"
method can be used to
clone an array .
This will return a shallow copy of the elements of
the array .
If the array is an array of primitive types , this works well . If the array is of reference type , this means the elements of the array and its clone contains the same references , as such they share the same objects .
- jshell>
- > int iArray[] = { 1, 2, 4 };
- /*
- Create an array of type
- int[] which contains
- three integers .
- Store a reference to it
- in the variable
- iArray .*/
- iArray ==> [ 1, 2, 4 ]
- > int iArrayClone[] = iArray.clone()
- /*
- Create a new array , and
- shallow copy the elements
- 1 , 2 and 4 , of the array
- referenced by the iArray
- variable .
- Store a reference of the
- newly created array in
- iArrayClone .*/
- iArrayClone ==> [ 1, 2, 4 ]
- > Object oArray[] = { new Object(), new Object() }
- /*
- Create an array of type
- Object[] , and which contains
- two elements .
- Store the reference of
- this array in the variable
- oArray .*/
- oArray ==> [ java.lang.Object@4520ebad, java.lang.Object@5419f379 ]
- > Object oArrayClone[] = oArray.clone();
- /*
- Shallow copy the elements of
- the array referenced by
- oArray , into a new array of
- type Object[] .
- They are of reference type , as
- such shallow copy the
- references .
- Store the reference of the newly
- created array inside
- oArrayClone .
- The elements of the arrays
- referenced by the oArray ,
- and oArrayClone variable
- refer to the same Objects .*/
- oArrayClone ==> [ java.lang.Object@4520ebad, java.lang.Object@5419f379 ]
- > int iArrayTwo [][] = { {1, 2, 3 }, { 0 } }
- /*
- Create an array of length 2 ,
- which elements refers to
- arrays of type int [] .
- Store a reference to this
- array , in the variable
- iArrayTwo .*/
- iArrayTwo ==> [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 0 ] ]
- > int[][] iArrayTwoClone = iArrayTwo.clone();
- /*
- Create a shallow copy of the array
- referenced by the variable
- iArrayTwo .
- A new array which elements can
- hold a reference to arrays of
- type int [] is created .
- The elements of the array referenced
- by the iArrayTwo variable are
- copied .
- They contain references to arrays of
- type int [].
- Store a reference of the newly
- created array in the variable
- iArrayTwoClone .
- The elements of the arrays referenced
- by iArrayTwo and iArrayTwoClone ,
- reference the same arrays of type
- int [] .*/
- iArrayTwoClone ==> [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 0 ] ]
- > iArrayTwo[1][0] = 3
- /*
- Access the second element of the
- array referenced by the variable
- iArrayTwo.
- Assign to this array first
- element the value of 3 .*/
- > iArrayTwoClone
- /*
- Print the array referenced by
- the variable iArrayTwoClone .
- The arrays referenced by the
- variables iArrayTwoClone
- and iArrayTwo , contain
- the same references .
- iArrayTwoClone[1][0] is equal
- also to 3 .*/
- iArrayTwoClone ==> [ [ 1, 2, 3 ] ,[ 3 ] ]
Another method to create a shallow copy of an array , is by using the System.arraycopy method .
- public static void arraycopy(Object src, int srcPos, Object dest, int destPos, int length)
Its first argument is the source array to copy from . Its second argument is the index from which to start copying from the source array . Its third argument is the array to copy to . Its fourth argument is the index from which to start copying at the destination array . Its fifth argument is the number of elements to copy .
difference between this
method and the clone
method , is
that this method can be used to copy just a
portion of an array , or the whole array , and
that both
arrays must exists or be created before
performing the copying .
- jshell>
- > int [] iArray = { 10, 1, 2, 34, 12 }
- /*
- Create an array of type int[]
- and store a reference to it
- in the variable iArray .*/
- iArray ==> [ 10, 1, 2, 34, 12 ]
- int [] iArrayCopy = new int[2]
- /*
- Create an aray of length 2 ,
- of type int[].
- Store a reference to it inside
- iArrayCopy .*/
- iArrayCopy ==> [ 0, 0 ]
- > System.arraycopy(iArray , 2 , iArrayCopy , 0 , 2 )
- /*
- Using System.arraycopy , copy
- from the array referenced
- by iArray , starting at index
- 2 , to the array referenced by
- iArrayCopy , starting at index
- 0 , two elements .*/
- > iArrayCopy
- iArrayCopy ==> [ 2, 34 ]
- > int iArrayTwo[][] = { {}, {1 , 2} }
- /*
- Create an array of length 2 ,
- which elements contains
- references to arrays of
- type int [] .*/
- iArrayTwo ==> [ [ ], [ 1, 2 ] ]
- > int iArrayTwoCopy[][] = new int[4][]
- /*
- Create an array of length 4 ,
- which elements contain
- references to arrays of
- types int[] .*/
- iArrayTwoCopy ==> [ null, null, null, null ]
- > System.arraycopy(iArrayTwo , 0 , iArrayTwoCopy , 0 , 2 )
- /*
- Use System.arraycopy to copy
- from the array referenced by
- iArrayTwo , starting at index 0 ,
- to the array referenced by
- iArrayTwoCopy , starting at
- position 0 , 2 elements .
- The elements which are copied are
- references to arrays of type
- int [] .*/
- > iArrayTwoCopy
- iArrayTwoCopy ==> [ [ ], [ 1, 2 ], null, null ]
source and destination array can be the same .
proceeds as if there
is a temporary array .
- jshell>
- > int [] iArray = { 10, 1, 2, 34, 12 }
- iArray ==> [ 10, 1, 2, 34, 12 ]
- > System.arraycopy(iArray , 2 , iArray , 0 , 3 )
- /*
- Use System.arraycopy , to copy from
- the array referenced by iArray ,
- starting at index 2 , to itself ,
- starting at index 0 ,
- three elements .*/
- > iArray
- iArray ==> [ 2, 34, 12, 34, 12 ]
An IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown , when any of the source or destination indexes are negative , or larger than the source or destination array length .
is also thrown ,
when the srcPos + length
is greater
than the source array length , or
when the destPost + length
is greater than the destination array length .
is also
thrown when the length is negative .
an IndexOutOfBoundsException
thrown the destination array is not modified .
- jshell>
- > int [] iArray = { 10, 1, 2, 34, 12 }
- /*
- Create an array of five elements
- of type int[] , and store
- a reference to it in the
- variable iArray .*/
- iArray ==> [ 10, 1, 2, 34, 12 ]
- > System.arraycopy(iArray , 2 , iArray , 0 , 10 )
- /*
- Use System.arraycopy to copy from
- the array reference by the
- variable iArray starting at position
- 2 , to itself starting position
- 0 , 10 elements.
- IndexOutOfBoundsException is
- thrown because 12 is larger
- then the length of the source
- array .*/
- | Exception java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: arraycopy: last source index 12 out of bounds for int[5]
- | at System.arraycopy (Native Method)
- | at (#11:1)
- > iArray
- /*
- The array referenced by
- iArray is not
- modified .*/
- iArray ==> int[5] { 10, 1, 2, 34, 12 }
NullPointerException is thrown if
the variables pointing to the source or
destination arrays are null
- jshell>
- > int[] iArray = { 10, 1, 2, 34, 12 }
- /*
- Create an array of type int [] ,
- containing five elements .
- Store a reference to it inside
- the variable iArray .*/
- iArray ==> [ 10, 1, 2, 34, 12 ]
- > int[] iArrayCopy;
- /*
- Declare a variable iArrayCopy ,
- of type int [] .
- It is assigned a null value .*/
- iArrayCopy ==> null
- > System.arraycopy(iArray , 0 , iArrayCopy , 0 , 5 )
- /*
- iArrayCopy is a variable which does
- not refer to an array , it contains
- a null reference , as such
- System.arraycopy throws a null
- exception .*/
- | Exception java.lang.NullPointerException
- | at System.arraycopy (Native Method)
- | at (#3:1)
An ArrayStoreException is thrown when the source or destination are not of type array , or when the source or destination are arrays of different primitive types , or when one is an array of primitive type and the other is an array of reference type . In these cases the destination array is not modified .
- jshell>
- > int iArray[] = { 10, 2, 33, 4, 1 }
- /*
- Create an array of type int[]
- formed of five elements.
- Store a reference to it inside
- the iArray variable .*/
- iArray ==> [ 10, 2, 33, 4, 1 ]
- > System.arraycopy(new Object(), 0 , iArray , 2 , 3 )
- /*
- ArrayStoreException is thrown
- because the source is not
- of type array .*/
- | Exception java.lang.ArrayStoreException: arraycopy: source type java.lang.Object is not an array
- | at System.arraycopy (Native Method)
- | at (#2:1)
- > iArray
- /*
- The array reference by iArray
- was not modified .*/
- iArray ==> [ 10, 2, 33, 4, 1 ]
An ArrayStoreException is is also thrown when both the source and the destination are arrays of the reference type , and an element referenced by the source array cannot be converted to the destination array , elements type . In this case the destination array is modified till when the exception occurs .
- jshell>
- > Object oArray[] = {new Integer(1), new Object() }
- /*
- Create an array of type Object[] ,
- formed of two elements .
- Store a reference to this array
- inside the variable oArray .*/
- oArray ==> [ 1 , java.lang.Object@64bfbc86 ]
- > Integer iArray[] = new Integer[2]
- /*
- Create an array of type Integer[]
- of length 2 .
- Store a reference to it inside the
- variable iArray .*/
- iArray ==> [ null, null ]
- > System.arraycopy(oArray , 0 , iArray , 0 , 2 )
- /*
- Use System.arraycopy to copy from
- the array referenced by oArray
- starting index 0 , to the array
- referenced by iArray starting index
- 0 , 2 elements .
- ArrayStoreException is thrown because
- an Object cannot be stored inside
- an Integer array .*/
- | Exception java.lang.ArrayStoreException: arraycopy: element type mismatch: can not cast one of the elements of java.lang.Object[] to the type of the destination array, java.lang.Integer
- | at System.arraycopy (Native Method)
- | at (#5:1)
- > iArray
- /*
- Only one element is copied from
- the array referenced by oArray
- to iArray .*/
- iArray ==> [ 1, null ]
shallow copy of an array , can also be
created using the Stream toArray
method .
- jshell>
- > import java.util.Arrays;
- > int iArray[] = { 1, 2, 34 };
- /*
- Create an array of type int[] ,
- and store a reference to it
- inside the variable iArray .*/
- iArray ==> [ 1 , 2 , 34 ]
- > int iArrayClone[] =;
- /*
- For primitive types : double , int , long ,
- create a stream of type
- DoubleStream IntStream and LongStream .
- Use the toArray method to collect
- the elements of the Stream into
- an array .*/
- iArrayClone ==> [ 1, 2, 34 ]
- > String sArray[][] = { {"ae" , "df"}, {"oo", "on"} }
- /*
- Create an array of type String [][] , and
- store a reference to it in the variable
- sArray .*/
- sArray ==> [ [ "ae", "df" ] , [ "oo", "on" ] ]
- > String sArrayClone[][] =[][]::new);
- /*
- Use method , to
- create a sequential stream
- backed by the array
- referenced by sArray .
- Use the toArray method , to return
- an array containing the elements
- of the Stream .
- Pass in the function which will be used
- to create the array , of the specified
- type.
- The function receive as a
- parameter the length of the
- to be created array .*/
- sArrayClone ==> [ [ "ae", "df" ], [ "oo", "on" ] ]
There is no inbuilt java method to merge multiple arrays , a possible solution is as follows .
- jshell>
- > import java.lang.reflect.Array;
- > /*Create a Class named MergeArrays*/
- class MergeArrays
- {
- public static Object mergeArrays(Object ... oElements)
- {
- if(oElements.length == 0)
- /*
- If no arguments were provided ,
- return null .*/
- return null ;
- int length = 0 ;
- for( int i = 0 ; i < oElements.length ; i++ )
- {
- /*
- check that oElements types are arrays .
- Check that the arrays referred by
- oElements , have the same Component
- types or that their component type
- is a subtype of the component type
- of oElements[0] .
- Get the length of the arrays referred
- by oElements , and calculate
- the total length of the to be newly
- created array .*/
- if(! oElements[i].getClass().isArray())
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("All elements must be arrays");
- if(! oElements[0].getClass().getComponentType().isAssignableFrom(oElements[i].getClass().getComponentType()))
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("oElements[" + i + "] component type is not a subclass or class of oElements[0] component type");
- length += Array.getLength(oElements[i]);
- }
- Object rASrray = Array.newInstance(oElements[0].getClass().getComponentType(), length);
- System.arraycopy(oElements[0] , 0 , rASrray , 0 , Array.getLength(oElements[0]));
- for(int i = 1 ; i < oElements.length ; i++)
- {
- System.arraycopy(oElements[i] , 0 , rASrray , Array.getLength(oElements[i-1]) , Array.getLength(oElements[i]));
- }
- return rASrray;
- }
- }
- > int iArray[] = (int []) MergeArrays.mergeArrays( new int[]{ 0, 1 }, new int[]{ 2, 3 } )
- iArray ==> [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
- > String sArray[][] = (String [][] )MergeArrays.mergeArrays( new String[][]{ {"hello"}, {"world"} } , new String[][]{ { "df", "8" } } )
- sArray ==> [ [ "hello" ], [ "world" ], [ "df", "8" ] ]
arrays can also be merged by using the Stream API .
- jshell>
- > import;
- > Stream<int []> iaStream = Stream.of(new int[]{ 1, 2, 3 }, new int[]{ 5, 9, 12 })
- /*
- Create using the Stream.of
- method a sequential
- stream whose elements are
- of type int [] .*/
- iaStream ==>$Head@4678c730
- > int iaMerged[] = iaStream.flatMapToInt(iArray ->
- /*
- The elements of the stream are
- of type int[] .
- For each element of the stream ,
- create a stream backed by
- this element using the
- method.
- The created stream will be of
- type int .
- This is why the flatMapToInt
- method was used .
- This will flat and map each
- element of the type int[]
- of the Stream referenced by
- iaStream into elements of
- the type int , creating
- an IntStream .
- Collect the elements of the
- IntStream into an array .
- array . */
- iaMerged ==> [ 1, 2, 3, 1, 5, 9 ]
- > Stream <int [][]> iaaStream = Stream.of(new int[][] { { 1, 2, 3 } , { 4, 5, 6 } }, new int[][]{ {5, 9 , 12 } })
- /*
- Using the Stream.of method create
- a sequential order Stream
- whose elements are of type
- int[][] .*/
- iaaStream ==>$Head@6767c1fc
- > int iaaMerged[][] = iaaStream.flatMap(iaaElement ->[][]::new)
- /*
- For each element of the stream ,
- apply the method .
- This methods will return a stream
- which elements are of type
- int [] .
- The result of the flatMap function
- is a Stream of objects .
- Using the toArray method , collect
- the elements of the flat mapped
- stream of objects , into an array
- of type int[][] .*/
- iaaMerged ==> [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5, 6 ], [ 5, 9, 12 ] ]
class provides
some utility methods to manipulate arrays .
method can be used to sort arrays in parallel .
If the number of elements of the array
to be sorted is less then a specified
threshold the Arrays.parallelSort
sort the arrays elements
using the Arrays.sort
method .
arrays of primitive types
, Arrays.parallelSort
and Arrays.sort
sort the element in ascending order.
- jshell>
- > import java.util.Arrays;
- > int[] iArray = { 4, 1, 7, 8, 3 };
- iArray ==> [ 4, 1, 7, 8, 3 ]
- > Arrays.sort(iArray)
- > iArray
- iArray ==> [ 1, 3, 4, 7, 8 ]
- > double[] dArray = {10 , 12 , 14 , 5.0 , 1/3.0}
- > Arrays.parallelSort(dArray)
- > dArray
- dArray ==> [ 0.3333333333333333, 5.0, 10.0, 12.0, 14.0 ]
- > char cArray[] = { 'a' , 'e' , 'i' , 'o' , 'u' , 'z' , 'h' , 'r' , 'v' }
- > Arrays.sort(cArray , 5 , 9)
- /*
- Sort cArray only from index 5
- inclusive , till index 9 not
- inclusive .*/
- > cArray
- cArray ==> [ 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'h', 'r', 'v', 'z' ]
- > Arrays.parallelSort(cArray , 1 , 9)
- /*
- Parallel sort cArray from
- index 1 inclusive , till
- index 9 not inclusive .*/
- > cArray
- cArray ==> [ 'a', 'e', 'h', 'i', 'o', 'r', 'u', 'v', 'z' ]
- > int iArrayOne [][] = { { 4, 2 }, { 1, 0 } }
- iArrayOne ==> [ [4, 2 ], [ 1, 0 ] ]
- > for ( int i = 0 ; i < iArrayOne.length ; i++ )
- Arrays.parallelSort(iArrayOne[i]);
- > iArrayOne
- iArrayOne ==> [ [ 2, 4 ], [ 0, 1 ] ]
- > int iArrayTwo [][][] = { { { 4, 2 }, { 1, 0 } } };
- iArrayTwo ==> [ [ [ 4, 2 ], [ 1, 0 ] ] ]
- > for (int i = 0 ; i < iArrayTwo.length ; i++ )
- for(int j = 0 ; j < iArrayTwo[i].length ; j++ )
- Arrays.parallelSort(iArrayTwo[i][j]);
- > iArrayTwo
- iArrayTwo ==> [ [ [ 2, 4 ], [ 0, 1 ] ] ]
arrays of reference type , if
the type implements the Comparable interface ,
then these methods will use the compareTo
method of the Comparable
to sort the array . This
is called the natural ordering ,
and the compareTo
method is called the natural
comparison method .
- jshell>
- > import java.util.Arrays;
- > String sArray[] = { "ab", "aa", "ae" }
- sArray ==> [ "ab", "aa", "ae" ]
- > Arrays.parallelSort(sArray)
- /*
- The String class implements the comparable
- interface as such it is possible
- to use either of Arrays.parallelSort
- or Arrays.sort to sort an array of
- Strings .*/
- > sArray
- sArray ==> String[3] { "aa", "ab", "ae" }
- > Object oArray[] = { new Object(), new Object() }
- oArray ==> [ java.lang.Object@5e5792a0, java.lang.Object@26653222 ]
- > Arrays.sort(oArray)
- /*
- The Object class does not implement
- the Comparable interface , as such ,
- an array of Objects cannot be sorted
- using Arrays.sort or Arrays.parallelSort .*/
- | Exception java.lang.ClassCastException: class java.lang.Object cannot be cast to class java.lang.Comparable (java.lang.Object and java.lang.Comparable are in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')
- | at ComparableTimSort.countRunAndMakeAscending (
- | at ComparableTimSort.sort (
- | at Arrays.sort (
- | at (#6:1)
- > /*
- Create a class File
- which implements the Comparable
- interface .*/
- class File implements Comparable<File>
- {
- String fileName;
- public File(String fileName)
- {
- this.fileName = fileName ;
- }
- @Override
- public int compareTo(File file)
- {
- return this.fileName.compareTo(file.fileName);
- }
- }
- > File files[] = { new File(""), new File("") }
- files ==> [ File@4b9e13df, File@2b98378d ]
- > System.out.println( "[ " + files[0].fileName + " , " + files[1].fileName + " ]");
- [ , ]
- > Arrays.parallelSort(files , 0 , 2 )
- > System.out.println( "[ " + files[0].fileName + " , " + files[1].fileName + " ]");
- [ , ]
a type does not implement
the Comparable
interface ,
then the Arrays.parallelSort
and Arrays.sort
can be passed a Comparator
to sort the arrays .
- jshell>
- > import java.util.Arrays ;
- > Object oArray[] = { new Object(), new Object() }
- oArray ==> [ java.lang.Object@735b5592, java.lang.Object@58651fd0 ]
- > Arrays.parallelSort(oArray , 0 , 2 , new Comparator<Object>(){
- @Override
- public int compare(Object objectOne , Object objectTwo)
- {
- return objectOne.toString().compareTo(objectTwo.toString());
- }
- });
- /*
- Sort the array by passing a
- Comparator which sort by
- the String value of Object .*/
- > oArray
- oArray ==> [ java.lang.Object@58651fd0, java.lang.Object@735b5592 ]
- > /*
- Create a Class Point
- which does not implement
- Comparable .*/
- class Point
- {
- String axis ;
- int position ;
- public Point(String axis , int position)
- {
- this.axis = axis;
- this.position = position;
- }
- public String getAxis()
- {
- return this.axis;
- }
- public int getPosition()
- {
- return this.position;
- }
- public String toString()
- {
- return this.axis + ":" + position ;
- }
- }
- > Point points[] = { new Point("y",10), new Point("x",5), new Point("y" ,1), new Point("z" , 4) }
- /*
- Create an array of points .*/
- points ==> [ y:10, x:5, y:1, z:4 ]
- Comparator<Point> axisComparator = Comparator.comparing(Point::getAxis);
- /*
- The Comparator class has a static
- method comparing.
- It creates a Comparator using a
- Comparable value extracted by
- a function .
- In this case the Comparator created
- for the Point type is using
- the axis field which is a Comparable
- of type String .*/
- > Arrays.sort( points , axisComparator )
- /*
- Sort the array using the Comparator :
- axisComparator .*/
- > points
- points ==> [ x:5, y:10, y:1, z:4 ]
- > Arrays.sort( points , axisComparator.reversed())
- /*
- The reversed method of Comparator
- returns a reverse Comparator .
- So the ordering will be
- reversed .*/
- > points
- points ==> [ z:4.0, y:10.0, y:1.0, x:5.0 ]
- > Comparator<Point> axisPositionComparator = Comparator.comparing(Point::getAxis).thenComparing(Point::getPosition);
- /*
- Create a Comparator which first
- compares using the axis field ,
- and when the values are equal
- compare using the position field .*/
- > Arrays.parallelSort(points , axisPositionComparator );
- > points
- points ==> [ x:5, y:1, y:10, z:4 ]
- > Arrays.parallelSort(points , ( point1 , point2 ) -> point1.position - point2.position ) ;
- /*
- Use lambda expression , to pass
- the compare method of Comparator .*/
- > points
- points ==> [ y:1, z:4, x:5, y:10 ]
The Stream API can also be used to create a sorted shallow copy of the array .
- jshell>
- > import java.util.Arrays;
- > int iArray[] = { 10, 3, 5 }
- /*
- Create an array of type
- int[] , and store a
- reference to it in the
- variable iArray .*/
- iArray ==> int[3] { 10, 3, 5 }
- > int iArrayCopySorted [] =
- /*
- Use to create a
- sequential IntStream , with
- its source being the
- array referenced by the
- variable iArray .
- Using the sorted function ,
- create a sorted stream ,
- using primitive types
- comparaison .
- Use toArray method to create
- an array of type int[]
- from the sorted IntStream
- Store a reference to the
- created array in the
- variable iArrayCopySorted .*/
- iArrayCopySorted ==> int[3] { 3, 5, 10 }
- > String sArray[] = {"ar" , "ab"}
- /*
- Create an array of type
- String[] and store a
- reference to it in the
- variable sArray .*/
- sArray ==> String[2] { "ar", "ab" }
- > String sArrayCopySorted[] =[]::new)
- /*
- Using , create a
- stream backed by the array
- referenced by sArray .
- Using the sorted method , sort
- the String elements . String
- implements the Comparable
- interface . As such sort using
- the compareTo method .
- The sorted method returns a
- sorted Stream of Objects .
- Using the toArray method , create
- an array from the elements of the
- sorted Stream .
- Pass to the toArray , method the
- function which will create the
- array of the given type , and
- the passed size to the
- function
- Store a reference to the sorted
- array in the sArrayCopySorted
- variable .*/
- sArrayCopySorted ==> [ "ab", "ar" ]
- > int iaa[][] = { { 4, 3 }, { 2, 1 } }
- /*
- Create an array of type int[][] ,
- and store a reference to it
- in iaa .*/
- > int iaaShallowCopySorted[][] = Arrays.
- stream(iaa).
- sorted(
- (ia1 , ia2)->
- {
- Arrays.parallelSort(ia1);
- Arrays.parallelSort(ia2);
- return ia1[0] - ia2[0];
- }).
- toArray(int[][]::new);
- /*
- Use to create a
- sequential stream backed by
- the array referenced by the
- variable iaa.
- The elements of the stream are
- of type int[] , and they don't
- implement the Comparable interface .
- As such we can pass to the sorted
- function a comparator , to be used
- for performing comparison between
- elements .
- The comparator is passed as a lambda
- function .
- The lambda function takes , two variables
- of type int[] . Using Arrays.parallelSort
- it sorts , the arrays , and finally to
- compare the two arrays , it compare
- the first element of the two arrays ,
- by subtracting them .
- The sorted function return a sorted
- stream of objects .
- Use the toArray method , to create
- an array of type int[][] , from
- this sorted stream .
- Store a reference of the newly
- created array in the variable
- iaaShallowCopySorted .*/
- iaaShallowCopySorted ==> [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ] ]
- /*
- iaaShallowCopySorted[0] is sorted.
- iaaShallowCopySorted[1] is sorted.
- The array referenced by iaaShallowCopySorted
- is sorted .*/
- > iaa
- /*
- iaa[0] is sorted .
- iaa[1] is sorted .
- The array referenced by iaa is
- not sorted .*/
- iaa ==> [ [ 3, 4 ], [ 1, 2 ] ]
an array is sorted ,
the java.util.Arrays.binarySearch
can be used to search the array for a given element .
The Arrays.binarySearch
method returns the index of the element if
it is found . If not found it will
return (-(insertion point) - 1)
So to get where the not found element
must be inserted in the array ,
just negate the return value and
subtract 1 .
If multiple elements match the elements to search for , there is no guarantee which matching element index is returned .
- jshell>
- > import java.util.Arrays;
- > int iArray[] = { 0, 1, 2 }
- /*
- iArray is a variable of type
- int[] which holds a reference
- to a sorted Array .*/
- > Arrays.binarySearch(iArray , -1)
- /*
- Search for the element -1
- in the sorted array .
- The element -1 is not found.
- -1 is less than 0 , so it must
- be inserted at index 0 , As such
- the binary search method returns
- minus the insert position minus 1 ,
- which is : -0 -1 , which is -1 .
- To get where the element will be
- inserted from the value returned
- by Arrays.binarySearch , negate
- the value and substract 1 . In this
- case --1 -1 = 1 -1 = 0 .*/
- -1
- > Arrays.binarySearch(iArray , 10)
- /*
- 10 is not found in the sorted
- array , the binarySearch method
- return minus the insert position
- of 10 minus 1.
- 10 if it is to be inserted must be
- inserted as the last element . As
- such binarySearch return -3 -1
- which is -4 .*/
- -4
- > Arrays.binarySearch(iArray , 0 , 1 , 0)
- /*
- Search the array from index 0 inclusive ,
- to index 1 not inclusive , for the
- integer 0 .
- The integer 0 is found in the array ,
- and this is the first element .*/
- 0
- >int iArrayOne [][] = { { 2, 4 } , { 0, 1 } } ;
- /*
- iArrayOne holds a reference to an
- array of length 2 which its elements
- are of type int [] . Each element of
- type int[] is sorted .*/
- > int ElementToSearchFor = 0 ;
- /*
- The element to search for is 0 .*/
- > /*
- Loop through the elements of the array
- referenced by the variable iArrayOne .
- The elements of the array are of type
- int[] .
- Each type int [] element is sorted ,
- search it using Arrays.binarySearch .
- Print the index of the array where
- the element is found , and the index
- of the element in the array .*/
- for ( int i = 0 ; i < iArrayOne.length ; i++ )
- {
- int indexFoundElement = Arrays.binarySearch(iArrayOne[i] , ElementToSearchFor) ;
- if( indexFoundElement >= 0 ){
- System.out.println("Found at : [" + i + "]" + "[" + indexFoundElement + "]");
- break;
- }
- }
- Found at : [1][0]
searching arrays which are not of the primitive types
using the Arrays.binarySearch
the array elements type must
implement the Comparable
interface , or if
not , a Comparator
must be
passed to Arrays.binarySearch
- jshell>
- > import java.util.Arrays;
- > String sArray[] = { "ea", "ca", "ba" };
- sArray ==> [ "ea", "ca", "ba" ]
- > Arrays.parallelSort(sArray)
- /*
- sArray is not sorted , to search
- an array using Arrays.binarySearch
- it must be sorted . As such sort the
- array using Arrays.parallelSort .
- If we don't want to sort the array ,
- a copy of it can be created and
- searched .*/
- sArray ==> [ "ba", "ca", "ea" ]
- > Arrays.binarySearch(sArray , 1 , 3 , "ca")
- /*
- Search the array from index
- 1 till index 3 , for the
- element "ca" .
- String type implements the
- Comparable interface , as
- such the binarySearch method
- can be used .
- An element containing a
- reference to "ca" was
- found at index 1
- of the array .
- If String did not implement the
- Comparable interface a
- java.lang.ClassCastException
- would have been thrown .*/
- 1
- >/* Create class Seconds */
- class Seconds
- {
- int seconds ;
- public Seconds(int seconds)
- {
- this.seconds = seconds;
- }
- }
- > Seconds time[] = { new Seconds(10), new Seconds(20) }
- /*
- The array containing Seconds(10)
- and Seconds(20) is sorted by
- seconds , since 10 < 20 .*/
- time ==> [ Seconds@58651fd0, Seconds@4520ebad ]
- > System.out.println( "[ " + time[0].seconds + " , " + time[1].seconds + " ]");
- /*output*/
- [ 10 , 20 ]
- > Arrays.binarySearch( time , 0 , 2 , new Seconds(20) , new Comparator<Seconds>(){
- @Override
- public int compare(Seconds secondsOne , Seconds secondsTwo)
- {
- return secondsOne.seconds - secondsTwo.seconds ;
- }});
- /*
- Use Arrays.binarySearch method
- to search an array from
- start index 0 inclusive , till
- index 2 exclusive .
- The element to search for is :
- new Seconds(20) .
- A Comparator was created to
- compare the values of the
- elements of the array by the
- seconds field .*/
- 1
If the elements of the array are not sorted , we can loop over the array and compare each element individually , and just return the index.
- jshelh>
- > /*Class IndexSearch*/
- class IndexSearch
- {
- public static int findByIndex (int[] iArray , int iElement)
- {
- /* Method for primitive type int
- * Returns the index of the element to search for .
- * -1 if not found .*/
- for(int i = 0 ; i < iArray.length ; i++)
- {
- if(iArray[i] == iElement )
- /* element found return its index .*/
- return i;
- }
- return -1 ;
- }
- public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> int findByIndex (T[] cArray , T element)
- {
- /* Method for types which implement the Comparable interface
- * Returns the index of the element to search for .
- * -1 if not found .*/
- for(int i = 0 ; i < cArray.length ; i++)
- {
- if(cArray[i].compareTo(element) == 0 )
- /* element found return its index .*/
- return i;
- }
- return -1 ;
- }
- public static <T> int findByIndex(T[] ncArray , T element , Comparator<? super T> comparator)
- /* Method For types that do not implement Comparable interface .
- * As such they must provide a Comparator .
- * Returns the index of the element to search for .
- * -1 if not found .*/
- {
- for(int i = 0 ; i < ncArray.length ; i++)
- {
- if([i] , element) == 0 )
- /* element found return its index .*/
- return i;
- }
- return -1 ;
- }
- }
- > int iArray[] = { 10, 0, 22, 11 }
- /*
- Create an array which has
- a type of int[] , and which
- is not sorted .
- Store a reference to it in
- the variable iArray .*/
- iArray ==> [ 10, 0, 22, 11 ]
- > IndexSearch.findByIndex(iArray , 22)
- /*
- Search the array for the
- element 22 .
- The element 22 is found at
- index 2 .*/
- 2
- > String sArray[] = { "ce", "af", "ah" }
- /*
- Create an array of type
- String[] which is not
- sorted .*/
- sArray ==> [ "ce", "af", "ah" ]
- > IndexSearch.findByIndex(sArray , "af")
- /*
- Search the array for the element
- "af".
- The String type implements the
- Comparable interface , as such
- the Comparable findByIndex
- method is called .
- The element of the array containing
- a reference to a String of value
- "af" is found at index 1 .*/
- 1
- > Object object = new Object() ;
- /*
- Create a new Object .*/
- object ==> java.lang.Object@20e2cbe0
- > Object oArray[] = { new Object() , object };
- /*
- Create an array of two
- objects .*/
- oArray ==> Object[2] { java.lang.Object@68be2bc2, java.lang.Object@20e2cbe0 }
- > IndexSearch.findByIndex(oArray , object , Comparator.comparing(Object::toString))
- /*
- Search the array for an object .
- Object does not implement the
- Comparable interface .
- Create a Comparator using the
- Comparator.comparing method from
- the Object toString method .
- IndexSearch.findByIndex comparator
- method is called .
- A reference to the object searched
- for is found at index 1 .*/
- 1
The Stream API , can be used to check for the existence of an element in an array , and to return the element , but it cannot be used to get the index of the element in a straight forward manner .
The Stream anyMatch method can be used to check if an element in the array verifies certain conditions , like for example equality , larger or equal , or anything else.
- jshelh>
- > import java.util.Arrays;
- > int iArray[] = { 10, 2, 15 }
- /*
- Create an array of type int[] ,
- and store a reference to it
- in iArray .*/
- iArray ==> [ 10, 2, 15 ]
- > -> iElem == 2 );
- /*
- Using create a
- sequential stream backed
- by the array referenced by
- the variable iArray.
- Using the anyMatch method ,
- pass a lambda function ,
- to test if any element
- is equal to 2 .*/
- $ ==> true
- > import java.util.function.Predicate;
- /*
- A predicate is a functional
- interface , it can be assigned
- a lambda function .
- A predicate can be combined
- with another predicate using
- the and , or methods .
- It can be negated using the
- negate method .
- A predicate is used to test for
- a condition .*/
- > import java.util.function.IntPredicate;
- > IntPredicate lessTwenty = iElem -> iElem < 20 ;
- /*
- Create a predicate which will test ,
- if the passed integer element
- is less than 20 .
- */
- lessTwenty ==> $Lambda$15/0x000000102faa9440@4520ebad
- > IntPredicate lessTwentyAndLargerFourteen = lessTwenty.and( iElem -> iElem > 14 )
- /*
- Create a predicate , which will test
- if an element is less than twenty ,
- and larger than 14 .*/
- lessTwentyAndLargerFourteen ==> java.util.function.Predicate$$Lambda$17/0x000000102faaa840@548a9f61
- >
- /*
- Use , to create
- a sequential Stream backed by
- the array referenced by the
- variable iArray .
- Use anyMatch with the predicate
- lessTwentyAndLargerFourteen , to
- test if any element is larger than
- fourteen and less than twenty .*/
- $ ==> true
- > String[][] sArray = { { "ab", "ar" }, {"iq", "id" } }
- /*
- Create an array of type String[][] ,
- and store a reference to it in ,
- the variable sArray .*/
- sArray ==> [ [ "ab", "ar" ], [ "iq", "id" ] ]
- > Predicate<String[]> isNull = saElem -> saElem == null ;
- /*
- Create a lambda function which takes
- an element of type String[] , and
- check if its null .
- Store a reference to it , in the
- variable isNull .*/
- isNull ==> $Lambda$28/0x000000102faad040@57baeedf
- >
- /*
- Use method to create
- a sequential stream , backed by
- the array referenced by sArray.
- Use the anymatch method to check , if
- any element , is null , by passing
- the predicate isNull .*/
- $ ==> false
- >
- /*
- Use method to
- create a sequential stream ,
- backed by the array
- referenced by sArray.
- Use the anymatch method to
- check , if any element ,
- is not null , by passing
- the negation of the
- predicate isNull .*/
- $ ==> true
Stream filter
method can
be used to get a stream which
elements satisfies certain predicates .
An array can be constructed
from the filtered stream
using the Stream toArray
method .
A stream truncated
to a certain number of elements ,
can be created from the filtered
Stream using the Stream limit
method .
An optional can be returned
from the filtered Stream using
the Stream findAny
or findFirst
methods .
The findFirst
method ,
will return the first element of a
Stream if the Stream has an
encounter order , or any element
if the stream does not have an encounter
order .
The findAny
will return any element of a Stream .
- jshell>
- > import java.util.Arrays;
- > int iArray[] = { 1, 2, 10, 2 }
- /*
- Create an array of type int[] ,
- store a reference to it , in
- the variable iArray .*/
- > iElem -> iElem == 2 ).toArray()
- /*
- Use to create a
- sequential Stream backed
- by the array referenced by
- iArray .
- Using the filter method , pass
- a predicate which create a
- stream whose elements are
- filtered to be equal to 2 .
- Using the toArray method , convert
- the filtered Stream to an int [] .*/
- [ 2 , 2 ]
- > iElem -> iElem != 2 ).limit(1).toArray()
- /*
- Use to create a
- sequential Stream backed
- by the array referenced by
- iArray .
- Using filter method , pass a predicate ,
- which create a stream containing
- elements different than
- 2 .
- Using limit method , create a Stream
- from the filtered Stream truncated
- to length 1 .
- Using the toArray method , create an
- array of type int[] .*/
- [ 1 ]
- > iElem -> iElem > 1 ).findFirst()
- /*
- Use to create a
- sequential Stream backed
- by the array referenced by
- iArray .
- Use filter method , to create a
- Stream containing elements
- larger than 1 .
- Use findFirst to return an
- optional , containing the
- first element in the Stream ,
- if the Stream has an encounter
- order , or any element if
- not .*/
- $ ==> OptionalInt[2]
- > iElem -> iElem > 1 ).findAny()
- $ ==> OptionalInt[2]
- /*
- Use to create a
- sequential Stream backed
- by the array referenced by
- iArray .
- Use filter method , to create a
- Stream containing elements
- larger than 1 .
- Use findAny to return an optional ,
- containing any element in the
- Stream .*/
- $ ==> OptionalInt[2]
- > int iArray[][] = { { 1, 2 }, null, { } }
- /*
- Create an array of type int [][] ,
- and store a reference to it ,
- in the variable iArray. */
- [ [ 1 , 2 ], null, [ ] ]
- > Predicate<int []> isNull = iaElem -> iaElem == null ;
- /*
- Create a lambda function , which
- checks , if its parameter of
- type int [] is null .*/
- isNull ==> $Lambda$15/0x000000102faa9440@5419f379
- > Predicate<int []> isNullOrEmpty = isNull.or( iaElem -> iaElem.length == 0 )
- /*
- Create a Predicate which check if its
- parameter of type int[] is null or
- if it has a length of 0 .*/
- isNullOrEmpty ==> java.util.function.Predicate$$Lambda$17/0x000000102faaa840@1753acfe
- >
- /*
- Use to create a
- sequential Stream backed
- by the array referenced by
- iArray .
- Use the filter method , to
- create a Stream which elements
- are neither null nor arrays
- which have a length of 0 .
- use findAny method to return ,
- the first found element , if
- the stream has an encounter
- order , or any element if
- not .*/
- $10 ==> Optional[[I@6093dd95]
operator can be used
to check if two variables refers to the same array .
- jshell>
- > int iArray[] = { 1, 2, 3 } , iArrayTwo[] , iArrayThree[] ;
- /*
- Create an array of type
- int[] , having the three
- elements 1 , 2 and 3 .
- Store a reference to it ,
- in the variable iArray .
- The variable iArrayTwo
- and iArrayThree holds
- no reference to any
- array of type int[] ,
- as such they refer
- to null .*/
- iArray ==> int[3] { 1, 2, 3 }
- iArrayTwo ==> null
- iArrayThree ==> null
- > iArrayThree == iArrayTwo
- /*
- The variable iArrayThree and
- iArrayTwo are both of type
- int [] , and they both hold
- no reference to any array
- of type int[] , as such they
- both refers to null .*/
- $ ==> true
- > iArray == iArrayTwo
- /*
- Compare the reference held
- by the variable iArray ,
- and the reference held
- by the variable iArrayTwo
- for equality .*/
- $ ==> false
- > iArrayTwo = iArray
- /*
- Assign the reference held by the
- variable iArray , to the
- variable iArrayTwo. */
- > iArray == iArrayTwo
- /*
- Compare the reference held by
- the variable iArray , to the
- reference held by the variable
- iArrayTwo for equality */
- $ ==> true
and Arrays.deepEquals
methods can be used to compare
two arrays for equality .
The Arrays.equals
, will first check if the two passed variables refer to the same arrays , if so , they are equal .
If not , and if any refers to null while the other is not null , it will return false .
If not , if their length is different , it will return false .
Finally it will compare the elements of the arrays using the ==
operator . If all the elements are deemed equal by ==
, then Arrays.equals
return true .
- jshell>
- > int iArrayOne[] = { 1, 2, 3 } , iArrayTwo[] = { 1, 2, 4 } ;
- /*
- Create an array of type int [] ,
- formed from the elements : 1 ,
- 2 and 3 , and store a reference
- to it in the variable
- iArrayOne .
- Create an array of type int[] ,
- containing the elements : 1 , 2
- , 4 , and hold a reference to it
- in the variable iArrayTwo .*/
- iArrayOne ==> { 1, 2, 3 }
- iArrayTwo ==> { 1, 2, 4 }
- > Arrays.equals( iArrayOne , iArrayTwo )
- /*
- iArrayOne != iArrayTwo
- iArrayOne and iArrayTwo are both
- not null .
- iArrayOne and iArrayTwo have the same
- length .
- Compare the elements of both arrays ,
- using the == operator .
- 1 == 1 , 2 == 2 , 3 != 4 .*/
- $ ==> false
will first check if the two passed
variables are equal using
the ==
operator .
Next if the variables are not equal
using the ==
operator ,
and if any is null , it will
return false .
If neither variables holds a reference to null , but if the arrays referred by these variables have different length , this method return false .
Next this method will loop through the two arrays , comparing the elements in order .
Two elements are equal
if either using the==
true , or if they are both not
arrays and using the
element from the first
array equals
method ,
passing the element from
the second array , returns true ,
or if they are both arrays of objects ,
and recursively calling
the deepEquals
method on these two elements
return true , or if
they are arrays of the primitive
types and calling
the Arrays.equals
method on
these two elements return true .
- jshell>
- > int iArray[] = { 1, 2 };
- /*
- Create an array of type int
- [] , containing the elements
- 1 and 2 , and store a reference
- to it in the variable
- iArray .*/
- iArray ==> [ 1, 2 ]
- > int iArrayTwo[][] = { iArray , iArray } ;
- /*
- Create an array of type int[][] ,
- stores inside it two references
- to the array referenced by
- the iArray variable .*/
- iArrayTwo ==> [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 2 ] ]
- > int iArrayThree[][] = { iArray , { 1, 2 } }
- /*
- Create an array of type int[][] ,
- store a reference inside it to the
- array referenced by the variable
- iArray .
- Create another array of type int[] ,
- containing the values 1 and 2 ,
- and store a reference to it
- inside the array referenced by
- iArrayThree .*/
- iArrayThree ==> [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 2 ] ]
- > Arrays.equals(iArrayTwo , iArrayThree)
- /*
- iArrayTwo != iArrayThree .
- iArrayTwo and iArrayThree are
- both not null .
- iArrayTwo and iArrayThree have
- equal length .
- Compare the elements of both
- arrays in order .
- iArrayTwo[0] == iArrayThree[0]
- iArrayTwo[1] != iArrayThree[1] .*/
- $ ==> false
- > Arrays.deepEquals(iArrayTwo , iArrayThree)
- /*
- iArrayTwo != iArrayThree .
- iArrayTwo and iArrayThree are
- both not null .
- iArrayTwo and iArrayThree have
- equal length .
- Compare the elements of both
- arrays in order .
- iArrayTwo[0] == iArrayThree[0]
- iArrayTwo[1] != iArrayThree[1]
- Both iArrayTwo[1] and iArrayThree[1]
- are not null .
- Both iArrayTwo[1] and iArrayThree[1]
- are of type int[] .
- Use Arrays.equals(iArrayTwo[1] , iArrayThree[1] )
- iArrayTwo[1] != iArrayThree[1] .
- iArrayTwo[1] and iArrayThree[1] are
- both not null .
- iArrayTwo[1] and iArrayThree[1] have
- equal length .
- Compare the elements of both
- iArrayTwo[1] and iArrayThree[1]
- in order .
- iArrayTwo[1][0] == iArrayThree[1][0]
- iArrayTwo[1][1] == iArrayThree[1][1] .*/
- $ ==> true
method ,
can be used to fill a part of an array ,
or a whole array , using a
provided single value .
- jshell>
- > import java.util.Arrays ;
- > int iArray[] = new int[3];
- /*
- Create an array of type int[]
- , having a length of
- three .
- The array is of type int[] , as
- such all of its elements are
- initialized to the default
- value of 0 .
- Store a reference to the
- newly created array in the
- variable iArray .*/
- iArray ==> [ 0, 0, 0 ]
- > Arrays.fill(iArray , 1 , 3 , 1 )
- /*
- Fill the elements of
- the array referenced by
- the variable iArray ,
- starting index 1 inclusive ,
- till index 3 exclusive ,
- with the value 1 .*/
- > iArray
- iArray ==> [ 0, 1, 1 ]
- > int iArrayOne[][] = new int[2][2]
- /*
- Create an array of length 2 ,
- which elements are of type
- int[] .
- Create two arrays of type
- int[] , each of length 2 ,
- which elements are initialized
- to 0 , and store a reference
- to them inside the array
- referenced by the variable
- iArrayOne .*/
- iArrayOne ==> [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ]
- > Arrays.fill(iArrayOne , new int[]{1,0})
- /*
- Create an array of type int [] ,
- having the two elements 1 ,
- and 0 .
- Fill the elements of the array
- referenced by the variable
- iArrayOne , with a reference
- to the newly created array .*/
- > iArrayOne
- iArrayOne ==> [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 1, 0 ] ]
and Arrays.setAll
can be used to fill all the elements
of an array using a provided
generator function .
The generator functions
receives the index of the element
to be filled.
The difference between
and Arrays.setAll
is that in
the filling is done in parallel .
- jshell >
- > import java.util.Arrays ;
- > double dArray[] = new double[2] ;
- /*
- Create an array of type double[] ,
- which its elements are
- initialized to the default
- value of 0.0 .
- Store a reference to it in the
- variable dArray .*/
- > Arrays.parallelSetAll( dArray, index -> Math.random() + index );
- /*
- Parallel set all the elements of
- the array referenced by the
- variable dArray using the
- parallelSetAll function .
- The parallelSetAll receives ,
- as a first argument , the
- array to be filled , and
- as a second argument , a
- function which receives the
- index of the element to be
- filled , and generates
- an element .*/
- > dArray
- dArray ==> [ 0.5157471129598236, 1.1915950324664246 ]
Stream API generate
method can
be used to generate a
sequential unordered stream .
It receives as an argument a function which will perform generating the elements of the stream .
The generate
method can
be used with the limit
method of
the Stream API , to create a stream with
the specified limit , and
with the toArray
to create an array.
- jshell >
- > import;
- > Double dArray[] = Stream.generate(()->Math.random()).limit(2).toArray(Double[]::new);
- /*
- Pass to the Stream.generate method
- a lambda function , which
- returns a random double
- number .
- Using limit , create a stream with
- only 2 elements from the stream
- generated by generate .
- Using toArray , create an array
- out of the elements of this
- stream , passing a function which
- will create an array of a Double
- type , and of the length provided
- by toArray .*/
- dArray ==> [ 0.12407886170343518, 0.6000542329067424 ]
Stream API iterate
method can be used to generate a
sequential ordered stream . It takes
as an argument a seed , and a
function , and it will
produce the
seed , f(seed) , f(f(seed)) ...
Using the limit
method of
Stream , a stream with a limited number
of elements can be created from the stream
generated by iterate
, and
using the Stream toArray
method , an array can be created
out of the limited Stream .
- jshell >
- > import;
- > Integer iArray [] = Stream.iterate( 1 , seed -> 2 * seed).limit(4).toArray(Integer[]::new);
- /*
- Create a Stream using the iterate
- method . The elements of the
- stream are 1 , 2 , 4 , 8... They
- are the seed and the computed values
- by the function passed to iterate
- which receives as argument ,
- the seed , f(seed) ...
- Create a stream of 4 elements using
- the limit method .
- Create an array from the elements
- of the limited Stream , passing
- to toArray , a function which
- will create an array of the
- Integer type , and of the length
- provided by toArray .*/
- iArray ==> [ 1, 2, 4, 8 ]
If the array is sorted in ascending order, then the min element is the first element of the array , and the max element is the last element of the array .
If the array is not sorted , any of the looping mechanism can be used to search the array for the min and max value .
- > int iArray[] = { 1 , 2, 3 }
- /*
- Create an array of type int [] ,
- containing the three elements
- 1 , 2 and 3 .
- Store a reference to this array ,
- in the variable iArray .*/
- iArray ==> [ 1, 2, 3 ]
- /*
- The array referenced by iArray ,
- is sorted in ascending order ,
- as such the min value is
- iArray[0] , and the max value
- is iArray[2] .*/
- > int iArray[] = { 3 , -1, 2 }
- /*
- Create an array of type int[] ,
- containing the elements 3 , -1
- and 2 .
- Store a reference to it inside
- the variable iArray .*/
- iArray ==> [ 3, -1, 2 ]
- > int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE
- /*
- set max equal to
- Integer.MIN_VALUE .*/
- max ==> -2147483648
- > int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE
- /*
- set min equal to
- Integer.MAX_VALUE .*/
- min ==> 2147483647
- > for (int iElem : iArray)
- {
- if(iElem > max)
- max = iElem;
- if(iElem < min )
- min = iElem;
- }
- > max
- max ==> 3
- > min
- min ==> -1
Stream API max
and min
methods ,
can also be used for finding
the max and min values .
- > import java.util.Arrays;
- > int iArray[] = { 1, -1, 2 }
- /*
- Create an array of type int[] , and
- store a reference to it in
- the variable iArray .*/
- >
- /*
- Use method to
- get a sequential stream backed
- by the array referenced by
- iArray .
- Use the Stream max method to
- find the max element of the
- stream .
- The Stream max method returns
- an Optional .*/
- $ ==> OptionalInt[2]
- >
- /*
- Use method to
- create a sequential stream
- backed by the array referenced
- by iArray .
- Use the Stream method min ,
- to find the min value of the
- stream .
- The stream min method returns ,
- an Optional .*/
- $ ==> OptionalInt[-1]
- > String sArray[] = { "or" , "ei" }
- /*
- Create an array of type String[] ,
- containing two references
- to the Strings "or" , and
- "ei" .
- Store a reference of this array ,
- in the variable sArray .*/
- > , elem2)-> elem1.compareTo(elem2))
- /*
- use to create
- a sequential stream backed
- by the array referenced by
- sArray .
- The created stream is a stream of
- objects , as such we pass a
- Comparator to min , to perform
- the Comparison .
- The passed Comparator is a lambda
- function , which calls the compareTo
- method of elem1 .
- elem1 and elem2 , both have the
- compareTo method because the
- stream objects are of type
- String , and String implements
- the Comparable interface .*/
- $ ==> Optional[ei]
- > , elem2)-> elem1.compareTo(elem2))
- /*
- Use method to
- create a sequential stream
- backed by the array referenced
- by the variable sArray .
- The Stream is a stream of
- objects , as such pass a
- Comparator to the Stream max
- function .
- The comparator is an lambda
- function , which call elem1
- compareTo method .
- The max method returns an Optional .*/
- $ ==> Optional[or]
To find the average or the sum of an array , any of the looping methods can be used .
- jshell>
- > int iArray[] = {-1, 0, 2 };
- /*
- Create an array of type
- int[] , and store a
- reference to it , in the
- variable iArray .*/
- iArray ==> [ -1, 0, 2 ]
- > double sum = 0.0 ;
- sum ==> 0.0
- > double average = 0.0 ;
- average ==> 0.0
- > for(int iElem : iArray)
- /*
- Calculate the sum of the
- array referenced by the
- variable iArray. */
- sum += iElem;
- > sum
- sum ==> 1.0
- > average = sum / iArray.length ;
- average ==> 0.3333333333333333
the Stream API , IntStream , LongStream ,
and DoubleStream provide the average
and sum
methods which can be used , to
calculate the average and sum of an array .
- jshell>
- > import java.util.Arrays;
- > int iArray[] = { -1, 0, 2 }
- iArray ==> [ -1, 0, 2 ]
- >
- $ ==> 1
- >
- $4 ==> OptionalDouble[0.3333333333333333]
Stream API provide the reduce
method ,
which can be used to iterate over all
the elements of a stream to perform a
combining computation , and return
a single value .
The reduce
method can be used to calculate the
sum , average , min ,
and max and other functions over
a stream . An Array can be
converted to a Stream using
method .
- jshell>
- > import java.util.Arrays;
- > import;
- > import;
- > int iArray[] = { 1, -2, 3 };
- /*
- Create an array of type int[] ,
- containing the elements ,
- 1 , -2 and 3 , and store
- a reference of it in the
- variable iArray .*/
- iArray ==> [ 1, -2, 3 ]
- >;
- /*
- Use to create
- a sequential stream backed by
- the array referenced by
- iArray .
- Using the reduce function ,
- compute the sum of the
- elements of the stream , by
- passing the sum function
- of Integer .*/
- $ ==> OptionalInt[2]
- > String sArray[] = { "hello ", "world" };
- sArray ==> [ "hello ", "world" ]
- /*
- Create an array of type String[] ,
- containing references to the
- String "hello" and "world" .
- Store a reference of this array
- in the variable sArray .*/
- > , current)-> previous + current );
- /*
- use to create
- a sequential Stream , backed
- by the array referenced by
- the variable sArray.
- Pass a lambda function to ,
- reduce. It receives the previous
- computed value , and the current
- iterating element , and return
- the currently computed value .
- reduce returns an Optional .*/
- $ ==> Optional[hello world]
- > int iArray[][] = { { 1, 2}, { 3, 4 } }
- /*
- Create an array of type int[][] ,
- and store a reference to it ,
- in the variable iArray .*/
- > Arrays.
- stream(iArray).
- reduce(
- (prev, current)->
- IntStream.concat( ,
- ).
- get()
- /*
- This expression creates an
- int[] out of an int[][] .
- Use to create a
- sequential stream , backed
- by the array reference by iArray .
- Use reduce method , to pass
- a function , which takes a
- previous computed value , and
- a current iterating value.
- The function uses IntStream.concat
- method , to concatenate the
- streams created from the previous
- int [] array and the current int []
- array , using the ,
- method.
- It then create an array of type
- int [] from this stream .
- The reduce functions returns an
- Optional , and we use the get method
- of an Optional to retrieve its
- value .*/
- $ ==> int[4] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }
- > int iArray[] = {} ;
- /*
- Create an array of type int[]
- , having no elements .
- Assign a reference to this array,
- in the variable iArray .*/
- iArray ==> [ ]
- >
- /*
- Use to create
- a sequential stream backed
- by the array referenced by
- iArray.
- Pass the Integer::sum function
- to reduce , to perform the
- summation of the elements of
- the stream .
- Since no elements are found in
- the Stream , reduce returns
- an empty optional .
- An empty optional , have no value .*/
- $ ==> OptionalInt.empty
- >, Integer::sum)
- /*
- Instead of getting an empty Optional ,
- when no elements are present in
- the Stream , an initial value ,
- can be passed to reduce .
- If no elements are found , in the
- stream , the initial value is returned .
- If elements are found in the stream ,
- reduce starts from the provided
- initial value .*/
- $ ==> 0
- > int iArray[][] = { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 } };
- iArray ==> [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ] ]
- /*
- Create an array of type int[][] ,
- and store a reference to it ,
- in the iArray variable .*/
- > Arrays.
- stream(iArray).
- reduce(
- IntStream.empty(),
- (prev, current)->
- IntStream.concat(prev ,,
- IntStream::concat
- ).
- toArray()
- /*
- Use to create
- a sequential Stream backed by
- the array referenced by iArray.
- Use reduce method , to convert
- this stream which is of type
- int [] , into a stream of type
- int .
- The first argument to reduce ,
- is the default or initial value.
- It is an empty Stream of type int .
- The second argument is a function ,
- that will concat the previous
- value with the current value ,
- using IntStream.concat ,
- returning a stream of int .
- The previous value is of type
- IntStream , whereas the current
- value of type int []. As such
- is used to
- convert it to a Stream of
- type int .
- The last argument to reduce , is
- a function which will return
- a value of the type of the
- default value , which in
- this case is an IntStream .
- The function passed is
- IntStream::concat .
- An array is created from ,
- the created IntStream elements
- , using the Stream toArray
- method .*/
- $ ==> int[4] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }
list view can be gotten from an array ,
by using the Arrays.aslist
method .
The created list , will have the
provided array, as its data store ,
it will be fixed size , and modification
to any will affect the other .
- jshell>
- > import java.util.List;
- > import java.util.Arrays;
- > import java.util.Set;
- > import java.util.TreeSet;
- > Integer iArray[] = new Integer[3] ;
- /*
- Create an array of type
- Integer [] , of length 3 ,
- all of its elements contain
- a reference to null .
- Store a reference to this array ,
- in the iArray variable. */
- iArray ==> [ null, null, null ]
- > List<Integer> iList = Arrays.asList(iArray) ;
- /*
- Create a fixed sized List , backed
- by the array reference by the
- variable iArray. */
- iList ==> [null, null, null]
- > iList.set(0 , 1 )
- /*
- Set the first element of the
- list to 1 .*/
- iList ==> [1, null, null]
- > iArray
- /*
- Print the content of the array
- referenced by iArray .*/
- iArray ==> [ 1, null, null ]
- > Arrays.fill(iArray , 2 ) ;
- /*
- Fill the array reference by
- iArray with 2 .*/
- > iList
- /*
- Print the content of the list
- reference by iList . */
- iList ==> [2, 2, 2]
- /*
- Once an array is converted to a List ,
- Other collections can be gotten .*/
- > Set<Integer> sInteger = new TreeSet<Integer>(iList);
- /*
- Create a TreeSet from the
- list referenced by iList .
- A Set contains no duplicate .*/
- sInteger ==> [2]
method , can
be used to create a sequential
stream backed by the provided array .
A stream can be collected into
various Collections , such as List , Set ...
- jshell>
- > import java.util.Arrays;
- > import;
- > Integer iArray [] = { 1, 2, 2, 1, 0 }
- /*
- Create an array of type int [] ,
- containing the elements ,
- 1 , 2 , 2 , 1 , 0 .
- Store a reference to this
- array in the variable iArray .*/
- iArray ==> [ 1, 2, 2, 1, 0 ]
- >;
- /*
- Use method to
- create a sequential stream ,
- backed by the array reference
- by iArray .
- Use the Stream collect method ,
- by passing to it a Collector .
- The collector accumulate the
- elements of the stream into a
- List .*/
- $ ==> [1, 2, 2, 1, 0]
- >;
- /*
- Use to create
- a sequential stream backed
- by the array referenced by
- the iArray variable.
- Use the Stream collect method ,
- to pass a Collector , which
- collect the elements of the
- Stream into a Set .*/
- $ ==> [0, 1, 2]
- >;
- /*
- Use method , to
- create a sequential stream ,
- backed by the array referenced
- by the iArray variable.
- Use skip , to create a Stream ,
- which skipped three elements
- of the previous stream .
- Use Collect function , passing to
- it a Collector , which will
- collect the element of the
- Stream , into a PriorityQueue .*/
- $ ==> [0, 1, 2, 2, 1]
To reverse an array , one can use this method :
- int anArray[] = {1, 2 ,4 };
- for(int i = 0 ; i < anArray.length / 2 ; i++ )
- {
- int tmp = anArray[i];
- anArray[i] = anArray[anArray.length - i - 1];
- anArray[anArray.length - i - 1 ] = tmp ;
- }
- /*
- anArray ==> [ 4, 2, 1 ]
- */
The Cartesian product of two arrays , can be calculated as follows :
- int anArrayOne[] = { 1, 2, 4 } ;
- int anArrayTwo[] = { 4, 5, 6 } ;
- int aCartesianProduct[][][] = new int[anArrayOne.length][anArrayTwo.length][2];
- for (int i = 0 ; i < anArrayOne.length ; i++)
- for(int j = 0 ; j < anArrayTwo.length ; j++)
- aCartesianProduct[i][j] = new int[]{anArrayOne[i],anArrayTwo[j]};
- /*
- Output :
- [[[1, 4], [1, 5], [1, 6]], [[2, 4], [2, 5], [2, 6]], [[4, 4], [4, 5], [4, 6]]]*/