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The iso646.h header in c was defined as part of the c99 standard. It defines alternative ways for using the equality, boolean, and bitwise operators. For example instead of using the bitwise && operator, the and token can be used. iso646.h operators replacements, do not work in string or character literals.
#include <iso646.h> /* include the iso646 header, in order to use the: equality boolean bitwise operators, alternative tokens .*/ #include <stdio.h> /* include the stdio.h header in order to use printf, to print formatted strings .*/ #include <stdbool.h> /* include stdbool.h header in order to use boolean true, and false. true is defined as 1 false is defined as 0 .*/ #include <stdint.h> /* include the stdint header in order to use u_int8_t, which is an unsigned integer formed of 8 bits. */ char* boolToString( bool aBool ); /* A function that converts a boolean to string. */ int main( int argc, char const * argv[ ] ){ int anIntOne = 1; int anIntwo = 2; int anintThree = 1; /* Equality operator alternative token != : not_eq .*/ printf( "%d not_eq %d = %s\n", anIntOne, anIntwo, boolToString( anIntOne not_eq anIntwo )); /* output : 1 not_eq 2 = true */ printf( "%d not_eq %d = %s\n", anIntOne, anintThree, boolToString( anIntOne not_eq anintThree )); /* output : 1 not_eq 1 = false .*/ /* Boolean operators alternative tokens && : and || : or ! : not */ bool boolOne = true; bool boolTwo = false; // define two boolean values printf( "%s and %s is %s\n", boolToString( boolOne ), boolToString( boolTwo ), boolToString( boolOne and boolTwo )); /* output : true and false is false .*/ printf( "%s or %s is %s\n", boolToString( boolOne ), boolToString( boolTwo ), boolToString( boolOne or boolTwo )); /* output : true or false is true .*/ printf( "not boolOne = not %s = %s\n", boolToString( boolOne ), boolToString( not boolOne )); /* output : not boolOne = not true = false .*/ /* Bitwise operators alternative tokens & : bitand &= : and_eq | : bitor |= : or_eq ^ : xor ^= : xor_eq ~ : compl .*/ u_int8_t ui8_one = 3; // ui8_one = 3 = 0000_0011 u_int8_t ui8_two = 5; // ui8_two = 5 = 0000_0101 printf( "%d bitand %d = %d\n", ui8_one, ui8_two, (u_int8_t)( ui8_one bitand ui8_two )); /* output : 3 bitand 5 = 1 ui8_one : 0000_0011 : 3 ui8_two : 0000_0101 : 5 --------- 0000_0001 : 1 .*/ printf( "%d and_eq %d = %d\n", ui8_two, ui8_one, ( u_int8_t )( ui8_two and_eq ui8_one )); /* output : 5 and_eq 3 = 1 ui8_two : 0000_0101 : 5 ui8_one : 0000_0011 : 3 --------- ui8_two 0000_0001 : 1 .*/ printf( "%d bitor %d = %d\n", ui8_one, ui8_two, ( u_int8_t )( ui8_one bitor ui8_two )); /* output : 3 bitor 1 = 1 ui8_one : 0000_0011 : 3 ui8_two : 0000_0001 : 1 --------- 0000_0011 : 3 .*/ printf( "%d or_eq %d = %d\n", ui8_two, ui8_one, ( u_int8_t )( ui8_two or_eq ui8_one )); /* output : 1 or_eq 3 = 3 ui8_two : 0000_0001 : 1 ui8_one : 0000_0011 : 3 --------- ui8_two 0000_0011 : 3 .*/ printf( "%d xor %d = %d\n", ui8_one, ui8_two, ( u_int8_t )( ui8_one xor ui8_two )); /* output : 3 xor 3 = 0 ui8_one : 0000_0011 : 3 ui8_two : 0000_0011 : 3 --------- 0000_0000 : 0 .*/ printf( "%d xor_eq %d = %d\n", ui8_two, ui8_one, ( u_int8_t )( ui8_two xor_eq ui8_one )); /* output : 3 xor_eq 3 = 0 ui8_two : 0000_0011 : 3 ui8_one : 0000_0011 : 3 --------- ui8_two 0000_0000 : 0 .*/ printf( "compl %d = ~%d = %d\n", ui8_two, ui8_two, ( u_int8_t ) compl ui8_two ); /* output : compl 0 = ~0 = 255 ui8_two 0000_0000 : 0 --------- 1111_1111 : 255 .*/ printf( "compl %d = ~%d = %d\n", ui8_one, ui8_one, ( u_int8_t ) compl ui8_one ); /* output : compl 3 = ~3 = 252 ui8_one 0000_0011 : 3 --------- 1111_1100 : 252 */ return 0; } char * boolToString( bool aBool ){ /* convert a boolean to a string .*/ return aBool == 1 ? "true" : "false";}