By Wael

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Must have old Firefox extensions , and how to install them

With Firefox version 57 , named Firefox quantum , plugins also known as extensions or add-ons , created using the XUL and XPCOM technologies , have stopped working .

Firefox versions before 57 , had a lot of plugins , which are still useful today . This tutorial , will show how to install a version of Firefox , with which , the old plugins still work , and it will detail , the most useful plugins .

Must have old firefox extensions tutorial
Table of contents Installing a Firefox version with which old plugins work Must have classic Firefox plugins Appearance and behaviour Download Management Privacy and security Web development

1- Installing a Firefox version with which old plugins work

One way of installing a version of Firefox with which old plugins work , is to download , and install , a version of Firefox prior to 57 . Old versions of Firefox , can be gotten from this link .

It is not advisable to use an old version of Firefox , because of security issues . An alternative way , which can be used along the newest version of Firefox , is to download , and install , waterfox classic or palemoon .

Once a version of Firefox less than 57 , or a Firefox alternative , has been downloaded and installed , and to be able to install classic extensions , the extension Classic Add-ons Archive must be installed . This extension can be downloaded from GitHub .

For the Classic Add-ons Archive plugin , to be successfully installed , unsigned extension installation must be allowed . This can be done by visiting the about:config page in Firefox , or one of its alternative , and toggling the xpinstall.signatures.required setting to false .

Also , the multi-process mode must be disabled . This can be done by visiting the about:config page in Firefox , or one of its alternative , and setting any browser.tabs.remote.autostart to false .

2- Must have classic Firefox plugins

2.1- Appearance and behaviour

2.2- Download Management

2.3- Privacy and security

2.4- Web development